{Characters and Family}

Aira Roy (22)

Aira Roy is a tech whiz and a sunshine girl with powerful hacking skills and a talent for thinking outside the box. Despite her innocence and witty demeanor, she harbors a burning desire to work beyond her country's borders, showcasing her cleverness in the world of cybersecurity.

Ivan Simenio (29)

Ivan Simenio, the Italian mafia and CEO of “Hack Metrics”, exudes a mix of calculated cunning, unwavering discipline, and an intense distaste for chaos. Beneath his charismatic exterior lies a dangerous bad boy, feared by all, who conceals his emotions behind a charming facade.

The Roy's

Ishita Roy~ Aira's mother

Aditya Roy~ Aira's Dad

Inaya Roy~ (her stepmom)

Aira's real mom died.

The Simenio's

David Simenio~ Ivan's Dad

Aadhya Simenio~ Ivan's mother

Ryan Simenio~ Ivan's brother

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This book has a happy ending!!

More characters will be introduced as the story continues!

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Hey there! I'm Blush, my stories can have errors as I'm still learning! Hope you enjoy.

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