I groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit my face from the glass window. I got up from the bed and directly went towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and went toward my gym.
Yes, I have a personal gym in my home, cause I love working out.
Coming back I took a shower and got ready, once again I am struggling with my tie. I may do everything but this fucking tie, is not my cup of tea.
I took the tie in hand and went downstairs to my mom. She is the one who everyday helps me with the tie.
I had my breakfast and went toward the parking, chose my car for today and drove to the office. As soon as I entered the office, I heard a voice...
"Good morning sir"
"Good morning" I replied to him and proceeded to my private elevator and pressed the 13th floor button and waited till I arrived on my floor.
This floor only has the self-manageable employees who are disciplined.
Only employees who are allotted here come here, no one other than them is allowed to come here.
I went inside my office and called Vihaan to ask about today's meetings and other work.
"What is my schedule for today?" I asked him
"Nothing much today, You have a meeting with Mr. Kulkarni at 1 PM and then a conference about the recently launched designs. That is all" He responded
"Anything else?" I asked him.
"Yes, you have to take care of that guy who leaked the designs of the project" He reminded me.
"You found him?" I to which he replied.."Yes we did"
"I will take care of him when I am free. Until then keep him in the basement" I ordered.
"Was he an employee?" I asked again.
"He was an intern. He was sent by Mayank" He answered.
"Ok, You can leave Vihaan" I ordered him and he left my office.
I knew it...Mayank is a business rival of me and a bastard.
don't know why he thinks that he can get anything he wants.
He is rich, maybe he can get anything, but he will never get things which belong to me.
"They are mine and will forever remain mine."
I was disturbed from my chain of thoughts when I recieved a call.I checked who was it and it was Amit uncle.
Amit uncle was my dad's bestfriend. After dad, he took care of me like his own son. He also trained me about these business things and many more.
I picked up the call and greeted him.
(A: Aayansh AS: Amit Singhania, Kriti's father)
A: Good morning.
AS: Good morning Aayansh.
A: How did you called me??
AS: Can't I call you?
A: Ofcourse you can. You can call me anytime you want.
AS: I have a favour to ask you...
A: Anything for you.
AS: As you know, I am soon going to retire from the company very soon. After me, Kriti will takeover my company and be the CEO after she returns from New York.
A: Yes, I know about it.
AS: So, I want you to train Kriti. I want you to teach her how to handle a company perfectly.
A: Why me?
AS: Because I know you are capable enough.
A: I learned all this from you.Why don't you teach her?
AS: I'm not forcing you, It's just a question.
A: I am just asking why don't you train her?
AS: Because you know Aayansh, business has many pros and cons. As many are the friends, as many are the enemies. I hope you understand my words. That is why I want you to train her.
A: I--
AS: Just think about it.
A: Sure.
AS: Please inform me about it as soon as possible.
A: Definitely I will.
AS: Take care.
Saying this, he ended the call...He wants me to train his daughter. How could I train his daughter when I even don't know her.
How could I teach her when I have never talked to her???
He surely put me in a very big problem.
It isn't like I don't know Kriti, I have talked to her once when I was 14 and she was 9...she spilled juice on my shirt and ran away. When I finally found her and asked her why she did that all she replied was "It happened by mistake" and started crying. My tone wasn't that harsh.
She directly went towards her dad and told him about it.
That was when Amit uncle ordered me or more like threatened me to stay away from her.
That was the first and last time I talked to her.
That incident gave me a explanation of how Amit Uncle is very much protective about her daughter.
It isn't like he scolded me or shouted on me, he just told me to stay away from her and not to talk to her.
Amit Uncle has always loved me and cared for me since my childhood. Even when dad was there and after him he used to visit me daily.
Just because I don't feel the absence of dad.
That is why he is very valuable for me and I don't like denying him for anything. Even though he didn't asked me for anything till now.
It is the first time he had asked me for something.
I decided that I am going to train Kriti because it's the first time Amit Uncle had asked me for something.
Time skip~
Kriti's POV~
It's been two days since I told Meesha about me going back to India and she daily tries to convince me to not go back...
I have been explaining to her that it's only 3 or 4 days, not more than that.
I can understand her situation very well. Ever since I came to New York, I never went back...It's always been papa who came to meet me here.
He always came to meet me 3 times in a year. I came to New York when I was 19...It has been 4 years since then.
I met her on the first day of my university and since then she has been my best friend.
I was late on the first day of my university and when I entered the classroom, the professor was already there. I greeted him and he directed me sit with Meesha.
The only one sitting alone in the classroom...rest, all the people were sitting with there friends or partners.
I sat beside her and the first thing she asked me was...
"Is there a stuffed toy that you sleep with??"
"Whatt??" This was my reaction.
"I just tried to initiate a conversation" She exclaimed.
This was how we began talking and then we become best friends. She used to live in her apartment.
As I was new in New York, I felt lonely here in this big house, so I got her here. Since then she lives with me.
"Kritz" I heard her voice and came put of my thoughts.
"Have you asked Uncle about it?" She asked me.
Ohh Shit!! I completely forgot about it.
"Not yet, I will ask him today" I replied to her.
"Ask Uncle about it RIGHT NOW!!" She yelled.
"Yes yes I will...Go ahead"
I called Dad. Three rings is all it takes for him to pick up my call.
(K: Kriti, A: Amit Singhania, her father)
K: Hello Papa.
A: Hii Kriti. How are you doing??
K: I am doing great.What about you papa?
A: I am fine. Tell me how's the preparation for the fashion week going on??
K: It is going alright. I wanted to ask something from you dad..
A: Go ahead.
K: Why do want me to come back to India?? For how long do you want me to come?
A: I want you to come back.
K: Yes dad I will, but for how long?
A: I want you to come back forever.
K: Tell me I heard you wrong.
Everything around me went blank for a second when I heard his words.
I really hope I heard him wrong.
A: You heard me right Kriti...I want you come back forever to your home, to us.
K: Why dad?? Everything here is beautiful. I am--
A: I know kriti, everything there is beautiful and I know you are happy.But, I just want you come back.
K: What for dad? Is there anything you need me for??
A: Yes.
K: Tell me.
A: I will. But promise me you will understand me too.
I was hearing him from the call. He wants me to come back. He says that he also has a reason for this. But what is it??
A: I want you to takeover my company and be the CEO.
K: CEO?? Seriously papa? You are there and who could be the best other than you?
A: How long is it going to be me?There has to be someone after me.And talking about the best, you will be the one after me.
K: I don't know anything about business and companies....How will I dad?
A: Don't worry about it Kriti Aayansh will explain you everything.
K: Dad, you already are talking about coming back and then Aayansh? You know I don't like him.
A: It will completely be your choice.
K: Dad--
A: It will be your decision, No one will ever force you.
K: I will think about it papa...
A: Think about it very wisely and even if there a slightest doubt about it...Do not agree with it.
K: Should I call you later?
A: Byee, Take care.
K: Bye.
He wants me to come back forever to be the CEO.
Tears welled up in my eyes when I thought about going back to India, my horrible past flashed in my eyes when I thought about Priti.
A lone tear escaped my eyes when I thought about my sister, Priti.
There hasn't been a day I didn't miss her, but today once again I am feeling guilt, fear and helplessness.
But I can't do anything...
This is the worst feeling ever. I hate this.I could have saved her but I didn't.
I am breaking down once again.
Wiping my tears, I entered inside the washroom, washed my face and got out.
I heard a knock on the door of my room and opened it.
It was Meesha.
Seeing my state and my red eyes, she definitely got the idea that I was crying.
"Were you crying Kriti? Do not lie to me" This was the first thing she asked as she entered inside.
She gently rubbed my back and asked me.. "What happened Kritz? Why are you crying?"
I was still sobbing when she again asked..."Tell me, I am getting worried."
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